31 January 2023

Greens have ensured that both tackling climate change and promoting biodiversity have become key Council priorities.  The use of poisonous chemicals has been reduced, and new developments must meet higher environmental standards.  We've ensured some Council managed land is now being devoted to Nature, and with more Councillors we could increase this work.

Council vehicles are becoming electric, and public e-car charging points have been installed; solar panels are now installed on our Leisure Centres.  Greens have also ensured that no local waste now ends up in polluting 'landfill' sites.  

Our Councillors provided leadership and coordination for Covid-support projects across the Borough during the pandemic.  We are now planning to set up a Cost of Living Crisis network, to help coordinate support for the many people facing economic difficulties in our communities.

Greens have been promoting initiatives to support walking and cycling in the local area, for the benefit of local people and visitors alike.  For the sake of our own health, as well as the environment, we all need to reduce our dependence on private vehicles.

Green Councillors are hardworking, open-minded and independent (unlike the Tories - who vote en masse as instructed by their hierarchy - we don't have a party 'whip' system).  Whenever possible we work with other Councillors for the common good.

There's much more we want to do, and we want to hear people's ideas for improving our communities - so we need your help to get more Green Councillors elected.  In fact, why don't you come and join us, and stand for election yourself?


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